meet a misfit: christina sicoli

meet a misfit: christina sicoli

Who are you?

My name is Christina Sicoli.  

What's your story?

It's constantly evolving.

still figuring it out on a daily basis.

In a nutshell, I'm a small girl with big hair. I came into the world two months early.

I'm a scorpio who loves hard and thrives on making people smile and laugh. I have an immense passion for creating characters, art, story, and consistently finding my rhythms in life. Moving through the world physically and creatively is what keeps me inspired, passionate, and wanting to learn more. I love to dance, to move, to feel.

Meeting new people who inspire me and travelling to different places always keeps me stimulated and A L I V E!

How does misfit play a part in your life?

It reminds me to move in different ways...even if it's blasting music in my ears and dancing through the neighbourhood at night.

Why were you drawn to misfit?

It felt different and free. It reminded me of my dance classes years ago. It was all the pieces of movement that I love in one class.

What called you in?

a need to physically and emotionally express in different ways. a class I was drawn to in wanting to teach this method with what I had to learn and offer.

how did misfit affect you physically? emotionally? spiritually?

There was an instant spark. We constantly move through thick and thin. I tap into emotion with the sound of the music and how it feels in my body. A practice that feels like a release and joy. Endorphins pumping and oozing. Heart beating. FUN TIMES.

Would you share a standout memory?

Taking teacher training. I was called to this. It was the first training that I got excited about and was beyond enthusiastic it was in Vancouver. With my best friend (JD) on the east coast and me on the west coast it was special to do it together. I knew and felt it in my bones, and in my spirit that I could teach. I was excited to go through it. I want to continue with it when the time comes...if it comes again. Maybe in a misfit 2.0 version!

What is your favourite class or misfitmethod move?


What are you up to currently?

always moving. doodling. creating art. film, tv, and theatre. supporting others. loving my boston terrier rizzo to the moon and beyond. trying my best to be a good human.

How can we keep up to date with your life adventures?

follow me on insta @sicoli

How can we support you?

keeping the vessel of movement alive.

when you're ready, continuing to guide those that want to continue the process under your guidance (hint hint).

even a small group.

Let's do it!