

the Misfitmethod allows me to share my love of art, poetry, movement and creative expression with others. An invitation to feel and celebrate individuality. Weaving mindfulness, breath and unusual sequences into a beautiful, interesting experience. Being able to offer a practice that synchronizes us as humans, to feel more connected to ourselves, to others, to mother earth, is such a gift.


What makes your classes feely? 

I teach from my heart – using my own physical/emotional/energetic experience to guide moment to moment. I have found that crawling inside, paying attention and expressing sensation from experience is the most authentic way for me to teach. I love to play with language that evokes a physical and emotional reaction; whether it's metaphors, words that feel empowering, quotes that are influencing my life in a given moment...and, coming from a dance background, I place extra emphasis on riding the rhythm of the music – so everything becomes a real dance of freeeeedom.

An influential book in your life is...

The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer.

A passion of yours people may or may not know about is...

I think most know this but I am studying to become a Holistic Nutritionist :)

What is your astrological sun sign?

Taurus! May baby, baby.

Why do you love teaching at MISFITSTUDIO?

Ooof this could turn into a 1000 page essay real quick. But, to keep it short & sweet: the misfitmethod profoundly shifted my relationship to movement and myself. It completely transformed me. My body – once something I viewed as a vessel to constantly try to change, shape and mold – I now view as a work of art, a tool to express MY art, my language, my soul. Every time I untangle, whether it be leading a class or on my own time, I feel a tremendous sense of connection to my deepest self. I am overcome with exceptional kindness for my body. I am present. I am moving from my heart. So – to be able to empower others to share in this transformational experience – it's absolute magic. 

You can move with Trilby through TurF's virtual studio based in Vancouver here, or tune in to her home classes here